Sunday, January 13, 2013

Wake up!


This is about a dream I hadCOMMA

                                                      but it was as real as real could bePERIOD

Paralyzed by the grip of unknown

                                                                    forces and laws,

pushed through the fabric of space-time,

                                                                          and swallowed black-hole-like

by an irrational fear of nothingness absolute, I was(n't).


Yet at the same time I was liberated by a series of questions:


                                                                 What’s the matterQUESTIONMARK ß this is an  immaterial question, a question intimating materiality.

                                                                       What’s the heart of the matter? ß this is a material question, a question intimating immateriality.

                                                                       Why does any of this matter matter? ß this is a ridiculous questionCOMMA

                                                        but it’s also axiomatic. ForCOMMA inherent in the very question is a recognition
of our insatiable quest for the ridiculous, and that’s a fact
